Angus McSix - Angus McSix and the Sword of Power

Angus McSix – Angus McSix and the Sword of Power Review

Undeniably entertaining tracks in Gloryhammer‘s low budget spin-off.

Cheesy lyrics and melodies on a record mostly composed by Sebastian “Seeb” Levermann (Orden Ogan), who contacted Thomas Winkler as soon as the news about his exit from Gloryhammer went public. The sound doesn’t change too much comparing to his former band, with most of the songs being cheesy power metal but somehow adding a Manowar feel to it in tracks such as “Sixcalibur”. This can’t be called quality writing but McSix gets away with catchy songs and numerous funny lyrics -with pun intended against his old bandmates, don’t miss the bonus “Just a Fool Will Play Tricks on Angus McSix-.

Production is a more Amaranthed version of Gloryhammer‘s previous record, like a B-movie spin-off with more green screen, cheesy effects and way more autotune and pitch correction. In the end it works for the record, opening up a world of possibilities for Winkler, a singer that was fired from his previous band because his lack of performance, something that made him suggest a pre-recorded vocal track (something that he seems to be already doing).

For fans of
  • Wow factor: 6
  • Freshness: 4
  • Production: 6
  • Previous works: 7




One response to “Angus McSix – Angus McSix and the Sword of Power Review”

  1. Lynx Avatar

    Pretty shitty review with ‘facts’ based on rumours. The ‘official’ reason Winkler was kicked out was for ‘business and organizational’ reasons. You seem unable to separate the music from the drama, because yes thematically it’s similar to GH concepts but it’s an entirely different composer. I love Winkler but he’s self admittedly definitely not a composer. It’s almost all Seeb. The music is less fast paced, with the vocal gymnastics sparser and used as emphasis rather than throughout like some GH songs. The pacing for most is slower ans it’s got more of a party metal feel than GH does.

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