Necropanther - Betrayal

Necropanther – Betrayal Review

Necropanther walk the thin line between melodic death and blackened thrash in a sound that is best described by citing some of their influences and sound-alikes such as early Revocation or Skeletonwitch. Blazing fast and catchy because of the guitar work, both in rhythm and lead guitars, this is not as fresh as Xoth but the comparisons are inevitable. At the Gates also come to mind in some of the tracks.

Drumming is clearly a highlight, with some interesting cymbal work and apparent fills here and there. Its the overall package of effective signwriting, good execution and punchy production that works. A fun listen for fans of both thrash, melodeath and sci-fi.

For fans of
  • Wow factor: 7.5
  • Freshness: 7
  • Production: 6.5
  • Previous works: 8




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